Stephen Copley Research Awards 2022 (round two)

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The BARS Executive Committee established the Stephen Copley bursary scheme in order to support postgraduate and early-career research within the UK – we have extended this to a second round per year. The bursaries primarily fund expenses incurred through travel to libraries and archives necessary for the applicant’s research, but the remit was this year expanded to include other research-focused costs, such as (but not limited to) photocopying, scanning, and childcare. Please do join us in congratulating the very worthy winners. 

Alix Gallagher (University of Glasgow)

Alexandra Fiona Doxas (University of Aberdeen)

Francesca MacKenny (Library of Congress)

Vinita Singh (University of Leeds)

Yu-hung Tien (University of Edinburgh)

Once they have completed their research projects, as far as the bursary scheme is concerned, each winner will write a brief report. These reports will be published on the website and circulated through our social media. For more information about the bursaries, including reports from past winners, please visit our website:

Daniel Cook

Bursaries Officer, BARS

University of Dundee