School of Arts PGR Conference: ‘Reimagining World Views Across Space and Time’
Saturday 18th November 2023, University of Leicester
Art represents, re-presents, misrepresents, subverts and reimagines the world. Philosophies,
ideologies and epistemes are disseminated, deconstructed and re-constructed through literature,
film, painting, sculpture, digital art, and other media.
This conference will explore how researchers in the Arts, and those working across disciplines,
examine creative works and ideas to identify world views – both old and new – and discover radical
or reformative approaches.
This is a call for all post-graduates undertaking a PhD, as well as post-doctoral researchers or early-
career researchers. We invite submissions that explore the theme ‘Reimagining World Views Across
Space and Time’. This topic refracts into several sub-topics, including:
● The role of art in building bridges in a diverse world
● Re-presenting, re-reading or re-imagining works and their creators
● Literary devices and/or genres
● History and the shape of time
● Intersectionality, unconscious bias and/or shared struggles
● Exploring gender and sexuality
● Decolonisation, power and space
● Neurotypicality, neuroatypicality, specific learning difficulties and different abilities
● Inter-disciplinarity and crossing boundaries
● Context and intertextuality
● Multimodality, ekphrasis and intermediality
● Theoretical refractions and re-interpretations of art
● Metafiction, self-reflexivity, fragmentation, incoherence or playfulness
If you would like to participate in the conference, the following options apply:
● Deliver a 20-minute oral presentation (and optional Q&A)
● Participate in a panel discussion (and optional Q&A)
● Present research in another creative format, such as a poster or showcase
Please upload your proposal, including a 150-word abstract and 100-word biography here. If you
have any issues, please email your submission to by 11:59 p.m.,
Friday 12th May 2023.
We are hoping to be able to offer modest travel bursaries for speakers living outside Leicester.
Please indicate whether you would like to be considered for this. Registration to attend the
conference will open mid-May 2023. The conference will be free to attend. We aim to provide a
safe, non-judgmental and inclusive environment for all attendees and participants. If you have any
questions, please contact us via the email address as above.