Dear All,
Many thanks to everyone who’s submitted proposals for papers or sessions for ‘Romantic Making and Unmaking’ – it’s been brilliant watching the flood of great research ideas come in over the past few weeks. The conference is shaping up to be big, buzzy and exciting, both in Glasgow and online.
As we’ve approached the last hours of the call, we’ve had a few people get in touch asking for some flexibility with the deadline. The reasons given have been good, so we’ve offered these people a bit of extra time. In the spirit of fairness to anyone who’s in difficult circumstances and wasn’t able to email, we’ll be keeping the proposal forms open to everyone for another week (until Friday January 26th). At that point, though, we’ll need to close submissions, as we need to lock in room bookings and work through all the abstracts so that we can get send acceptances allowing plenty of room for booking travel and accommodation.
The Call for Papers and forms to submit your abstracts are here:
With best wishes,
The BARS 2024 Conference Committee