BARS Conference 2024 Programme Announced!

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Dear BARS Members,

We’ve now released detailed schedules and panel listings for both the in person and online elements of ‘Romantic Making and Unmaking’ on the conference website:

A few small activities will be added a bit later (for example, we’re hoping to have short optional collections visits and musical performances during some of the 75-minute lunch breaks), but the published details should give you a good sense of the richness of the conference.

We’ve also recently added our conference logo to the site front page and published a list of places to eat and drink in Glasgow.  We’ll continue to send larger updates by email, but will be regularly updating the site in the run-up to the conference, so please check there for the latest information.

Conference registration remains open until July 5th – however, we would encourage you if possible to register as soon as you can – this will help us a great deal with arranging rooms, finalising catering and administering the New Lanark trip.  We’re very happy to welcome those not giving papers!

As always, if you have any questions, please just drop us an email (

Many thanks and best wishes,

The BARS 2024 Conference Committee