BARS PG & ECR Conference 2020: Registration and Live Schedule

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The BARS PG and ECR Reps are pleased to announce that Registration is now open for the BARS Postgraduate and Early-Career Conference 2020: Romantic Futurities. The conference invites delegates to examine the theme of ‘futurities’ in Romantic-period literature and thought, including the historical future, the anticipatory future, posterity, and the future of the field of Romanticism. For full details, please visit the official conference website.

1] Conference Registration
Please visit the conference website to book your place. Registration is completely free, and includes access to both days of the conference (Friday June 12th and Saturday June 13th), including all sessions, workshops, and keynotes.

2] Conference Format
The conference will be staged asynchronously on the Conference website, with synchronous discussion and video workshops on Zoom on the 12th-13th June. The conference will be held via a password-protected area of the website, which will host the video/audio presentations, and forum conversations aligned with each panel to facilitate discussion. The Organising Team will be online throughout the conference to facilitate lively and convivial forum discussions. The finalised programme will be available on the website on Wednesday 10th June.

3] Conference Live Sessions: Schedule
Alongside the asynchronous delegate presentations, there will be 6 live elements to the conference. Registrants are welcome to join in as many of them as you like. The live schedule is as follows:

Friday 12 June:
10:50 – 11:00.  Welcome & Opening Remarks
11:00 – 12:00.  Workshop: ‘Freelance Roles for PGRs and ECRs’ (Dr. Emily Paterson-Morgan)
13:00 – 14:00.  Workshop: ‘Working in Heritage’ (Dr. Charlotte May and Fiona Lewin) 
15:00 – 16:00.  Workshop: ‘Academic Interviews’ (Dr. Andrew McInnes)
16:30 – 18:00.  Keynote Lecture + Q&A: ‘The South Seas on Stage’ (Professor Michael Gamer)
Saturday 13 June:
12:50 – 13:00.  Welcome
13:00 – 14:30.  Keynote Lecture + Q&A: ‘Open Books’ (Dr. Emily Rohrbach)
17:00 – 18:30.  Poetry Reading with Deanna Rodger + Q&A, and Closing Remarks.

4] Conference Live Sessions: Logistics
Each of these live elements will be streamed via Zoom, and we shall send out the links and passwords to the Zoom meetings in an email to all registrants on Thursday 11 June. One of the conference organisers will chair each Zoom session, and another of us taking care of aspects such as muting sound and video for people who aren’t speaking.

5] Workshop Q&A Sessions
Our workshop leaders have kindly asked that registrants submit their questions in advance of the talks, so that they may make sure they respond to them as best they can. Please would you fill out this form with any questions you have for each speaker. There are separate sections for each. There will also be the option to ask questions during the Zoom session, either through the chat function or in person. 

Hopefully this covers all the key information that you require at this stage. But if you have any further questions then please get in touch and we’ll be happy to help. We look forward to seeing you all online soon.

Very best wishes

Colette, Amanda, and Paul

BARS PGR Reps: Colette Davies and Amanda Blake Davis
BARS ECR Rep: Paul Stephens
