We are glad to announce the publication of the most recent issue of The BARS Review (No. 58, Spring 2022). The issue contains twelve reviews of recent scholarly work within the field of Romanticism, broadly conceived. Five of the reviews comprise a ‘spotlight’ section on ‘Romantic Variations’.
The individual reviews are detailed below; all reviews are openly available in html and .pdf through The BARS Review website, and a compilation of all the reviews in the number can be downloaded as a .pdf.
If you have comments on the new number, or on the Review in general, we’d be very grateful for any feedback that would allow us to improve the site or its content. As always, Mark Sandy would be very happy to hear from people who would like to review for BARS.
Editor: Mark Sandy (Durham University)
General Editor: Anthony Mandal (Cardiff University)
Technical Editor: Matthew Sangster (University of Glasgow)
1) Lucy Cogan on Naomi Billingsley, The Visionary Art of William Blake: Christianity, Romanticism and the Pictorial Imagination. London: I.B. Tauris, 2018.
2) Roisin McCloskey on Harriet Kramer Linkin, The Collected Letters of Mary Blachford Tighe. Bethlehem: Lehigh University Press, 2020.
3) Richard Cronin on Samantha Matthews, Album Verses and Romantic Literary Culture: Poetry, Manuscript, Print, 1780-1850. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020.
4) Stacey Kikendall on James Watt, British Orientalisms, 1759-1835. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019.
5) Eroulla Demetriou on Percy Bysshe Shelley, Hellas: Introducción, traducción y notas de José Ruiz Mas [Hellas: Introduction, translation and notes by José Ruiz Mas]. Granada: Centro de Estudios Bizantinos, Neohelénicos y Chipriotas, 2021.
6) Diego Saglia on Mirella Agorni, Translating Italy for the Nineteenth Century: Translators and an Imagined Nation in the Early Romantic Period 1816-1830s. Bern: Peter Lang, 2021.
7) Peter Kitson on David Duff, ed., The Oxford Handbook of British Romanticism. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018.
Spotlight: Romantic Variations
8) JoEllen DeLucia on Gerard Lee McKeever, Dialectics of Improvement: Scottish Romanticism, 1786-1831. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2020.
9) Philip Shaw on Ian Haywood, Susan Matthews, and Mary L. Shannon, eds., Romanticism and Illustration. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019.
10) Indu Ohri on Jonas Cope, The Dissolution of Character in Late Romanticism, 1820-1839. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2018.
11) Keerthi Sudhakar Vasishta on Jeffrey N. Cox, William Wordsworth, Second-Generation Romantic: Contesting Poetry after Waterloo. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021.
12) Lindsey Eckert on Mike Goode, Romantic Capabilities: Blake, Scott, Austen, and the New Messages of Old Media. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020.