Cambridge, UK, 13 – 14 January 2023 @RRRJournal
Since increased critical attention paid to ‘affect’ in the 1990s, studies of the experience of feeling have grown exponentially across a range of disciplines. As various emotions historians have shown, passions, feelings, emotions, sentiments and affections were equally at the forefront of the minds of nineteenth-century thinkers from Wordsworth to Darwin. This international, interdisciplinary conference will explore how these contemporary and modern affective debates have impacted, and continue to impact, the ways in which we think about feeling.
Papers of 10-15 mins are invited on feeling in the broadest sense (“to perceive or be affected by”, OED v.1a), in or about the long nineteenth century (1789-1914). We welcome papers from disciplines across the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, and from scholars at any stage in their academic careers.
Topics can include but are not restricted to:
Terminology and language of feeling
Radical and transgressive feelings
Mind vs Body; modes of perception
Sensation and the senses
Medical feelings and pathology
Affect theories; phenomenology
The aesthetics and poetics of feeling
Communities of feeling; affective networks
Nonhuman affects; ecological feelings
Ugly feelings and unfeeling
Writerly and readerly feelings
Intuition; supernatural feelings
New frameworks for feeling
The limits of affect
Abstracts (250 words) and bios (75 words) should be submitted to by 6th November 2022. Submissions should be formatted in Word and attached to the email; please include your full name, discipline, and any institutional affiliations in your submission.