The Romantic Circles Gallery invites scholars to develop and submit proposals for virtual exhibitions on art, visual culture, and book history that will be housed on the Romantic Circles Gallery site. Proposals should include a title, a brief rationale explaining the concept or inquiry that will define the exhibit, and a list of ten visual objects for the proposed exhibits.
The digital Gallery is edited by Theresa Kelley and Jacob Henry Leveton. They also encourage prospective gallery curators to submit digital images of those objects if they are available. Current Gallery exhibits are located here:
Our review process is ongoing. Submit exhibit proposals to:
Romantic Circles Gallery is committed to a wide-ranging investigation of Romantic visualities. They invite a rich array of approaches to this topic, from questions asked and emerging in art history to thinking about how visual objects occur everywhere in Romantic texts as well as images. They understand visuality across many platforms, from what has traditionally been described as artworks, to ephemera, works on paper, paper itself, books, and visual artifacts that take in many fields of inquiry beyond what we once thought of as art. The Gallery responds to the exciting disciplinary challenges that accompany thinking about visuality as a multiverse of forms, dispositions, scenes, and cultural sites. They identify these cultural and material remains as ‘force fields” that collectively signal the character of the visual in Romantic culture. Gallery exhibits invite multiple approaches to the complex and vibrant character of Romantic visualities, a plural name for a plurality of objects and approaches.
Curated exhibits displayed in the Gallery illustrate one organizing principle or idea, such as (but not limited to) a cultural form, a technique or an idea. Borrowing from Deleuze and Guattari, we think of the exhibits within the Gallery as rhizomatically linked to each other and to other platforms within Romantic Circles. Curators for exhibits develop metadata for each object that become part of a robust, searchable database across Romantic Circles.