BARS Digital Events 2021/22 – Call for Contributions

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The British Association for Romantic Studies (BARS) Digital Events Team are delighted to announce that we will continue this online series of roundtables and papers for the next academic year.

The 13 events presented so far have been a great success. The average number of people who register for each event is 170, the average number of YouTube views on each recording is 151.

The Digital Events committee invites proposals from scholars of the Romantic period to present a curated roundtable session as part of the 2021-22 BARS Digital Events series on topics including (but not limited to) the following:

  • Ecocritical and environmental studies
  • Romanticism and disability studies
  • Bicentenary celebrations and discussions
  • Romanticism and pedagogy
  • Romanticism and gender studies 
  • Digital Romanticism and online collections and resources 
  • Special editions and editing
  • Romanticism and race
  • Author studies
  • Romanticism and the gothic
  • Romanticism in the 21st century
  • Romanticism and mobility
  • The relationship between academia, heritage sites, museums, and libraries. 

Interdisciplinary panels are welcomed. All events must include at least one PG/ECR speaker. 

We recognise that this application process favours scholars applying as a team or group. If you would like to participate but are unsure of how to reach out to scholars working on a similar topic in our field, please get in touch with the BARS Digital Events Team via the email address below. If possible, please specify your area of research, include a brief biography, and explain the topic and scope of your proposed paper/roundtable idea.

Events last 90 minutes and will take place via Zoom at 5pm UK time on a weekday. Events will contain 3-5 speakers in a ‘roundtable’ format (7-12 mins per talk, then discussion amongst speakers, then Q&A from audience). In order to promote inclusivity, and to be of particular appeal to postgraduate researchers and unwaged scholars, the events will be free and open to all. Events are recorded and shared on the BARS YouTube Channel.

You can watch all of our events so far on YouTube via the BARS Blog, here.

The deadline for proposals is 19 September 2021.

Thank you to all our panellists, chairs and audience members so far, for making the previous events convivial, informative, supportive, and inspiring. 

Members of the BARS Executive would like to send especial public thanks to our BARS Digital Events Fellow Francesca Killoran for her excellent work supporting the programme. We’re also delighted to announce that Francesca will be joining the project for another year. 

How to apply:

Please send your proposal to by 19 September 2021. 

We expect all applicants to be members of BARS and are always welcoming of new members! Find more information about the benefits of being a member and how to apply here.

Please send a proposal for a roundtable of less than 600 words, including the names and email addresses of all speakers (3-5 individuals including one chair). Chairs can also be provided by the committee if the applicant(s) prefer. If you wish for BARS to provide a Chair, please state this in your proposal. An example format would be: 40 minutes of presentations, 10 minutes discussion, 30 minutes Q&A. The papers should be connected by one core subject for discussion and/or a central question for the panel to answer. Please familiarise yourself with the BARS Digital Events format and past topics by viewing previous recordings of events on the BARS Blog.

BARS Digital Events Committee

Amanda Blake Davis

Colette Davies

Francesca Killoran

Anna Mercer

Matthew Sangster 
