Historical Texts, which gives digital access to EEBO, ECCO, the UK Medical Heritage Library, and the BL 19th-Century Collections, has launched a new set of resources that you let you bring primary sources directly into your classroom. These are suitable for undergraduate and postgraduate students. You can access the prototype resources via our brand new learning and teaching landing page or the Historical Texts home page.
What’s on offer?
- Free, ready-to-use activities, assessments, and full seminar plans
- Downloadable, accessible PowerPoint presentations
- Guidance and ideas for creating innovative assessments, including creative writing
- “Re-mix” and sample the material for your own purposes (CC-BY-NC)
- Provides a means to engage students with primary materials and to improve searching skills
Do I have to be a Historical Texts subscriber to access these resources?
No! These resources are free and open access, although some resources do contain links to subscriber-only content.
Who created the resources and why?
The inspiration for this project has come from academics within Jisc member institutions. Our Editorial Board of five academics from institutions across the UK has directed the project from the start and created the prototype set of content.
Many of us access EEBO, ECCO, and the other collections on Historical Texts for research purposes—but these resources can help you engage with the material in different ways, making new and more creative uses of the vast, rich range of material available.
Want to get involved?—we’d love to have you!
We have created a distribution list for anyone who wants updates on this project as it progresses: please do sign up here to receive update emails and news:https://jisc.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/historical-texts-learning-and-teaching
Or, if you just want to let us know what you think of the resources, you can contact us via the Jisc helpdesk.