ESSAY PRIZE: Forum Essay Prize deadline extended

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The General Editors of Forum for Modern Languages have agreed to extend the deadline for submissions to the 2023 Forum Prize. This is now the 1 July 2023. All other details remain the same.

Romantic submissions very much encouraged!

Entries are invited for the 2023 Forum Essay Prize, on the subject of: 

“Courageous Art(s)”

We are looking for bold, visionary and persuasive essays that use academic research to pursue innovative questions. The winning essay will be that judged by the panel to have best addressed the topic with flair, ambition and resonance.  

The topic may be addressed from the perspective of any of the literatures and cultures (including literary linguistics, translation and comparative approaches) normally covered by the journal: Arabic, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish. Please note that material of a predominantly social science or sociological nature falls outside our scope. 

We are seeking submissions that focus on literature, film, art, or other cultural outputs that manifest courage in their content or form and/or which provoke us to be courageous in how we read, write, research and teach in our discipline(s). Possible approaches to the subject include, but are not limited to: 

  • courage of convictions;
  • courage in face of danger, prosecution, speaking to power, intimate or large-scale violence;
  • fear and fearfulness;
  • narratives of courageous self-expression;
  • dangerous mission and rescue stories;
  • art forms that dare to break moulds

The competition is open to all researchers, whether established or early career. Previous competitions have been won by scholars in both categories.

The winner will receive:
1. Publication of the winning essay in the next appropriate issue of Forum for Modern Language Studies
2. A prize of £500.

A panel of judges will read all entries, which will be assessed anonymously. At the judges’ discretion, a runner-up prize of £200 may be awarded. The Editors may commission for publication in Forum for Modern Language Studies any entries that are highly commended by the judges.

Entry requirements and Submission details for the ForumPrize 2023 

The closing date for entries is 1 July 2023

Entries must be written in English, be between 6,000 and 8,000 words in length (including notes), should conform to MHRA style, and must be accompanied by an abstract (approx. 150 words) summarizing the principal arguments and making clear the relevance of the essay to the competition subject. 

Essays should be submitted online at, be flagged as ForumPrize entries, and follow the journal’s instructions to authors.

For initial queries and questions about the Forum Prize, contact Prof. Sara Jones (, GE Forum Prize)