Please see below for notice of this year’s Hazlitt Day School, which will take place in London on October 10th. As usual, some excellent speakers.
The 2015 Annual Hazlitt Lecture and the 14th Hazlitt Day School will this year be dedicated to Hazlitt’s journalism, and will take place at University College London on Saturday 10 October 2015.
The Annual Lecture, entitled ‘Hazlitt’s Political Hatred’, will be given by Kevin Gilmartin of the California Institute of Technology from 4pm at the Gustave Tuck Theatre, UCL. Attendance is free of charge.
The Day School precedes the Annual Lecture from 9.30am and provides a rare opportunity for readers and scholars of Hazlitt to explore a whole range of topics relating to Hazlitt and Journalism, as well as to meet each other and exchange ideas. Ian Haywood will give the opening lecture, and shorter papers will be delivered by David Higgins, Lucasta Miller and Ruth Livesey. A small fee applies for the admission to the Day School (£20/£15) which includes morning coffee, lunch and afternoon tea.
After the Annual Lecture, the day will conclude at the Marlborough Arms, Torrington Place, in close proximity to University College, from 5.30pm. For more details, please see the attached flyer or visit