European Romantic Review is pleased to announce the publication of a Special Issue (vol. 33, no. 5, October 2022), “Reading Shelley on the Bicentenary of his Death,” guest edited by Will Bowers and Mathelinda Nabugodi.
This special issue marks the bicentenary of Percy Bysshe Shelley’s death by presenting ten new readings of his major poetry by some of the most innovative voices working in the field of Romanticism today. Contributors have been invited to offer a concise essay on a single poem, being free to determine the critical parameters of their interpretation. Throughout, Shelley’s own generic and formal range is matched by the diverse critical energies (comparatist, formalist, historicist, decolonial, ecological) that contributors have brought to bear on his poems. The result is a series of original and provocative readings grounded in radically different methodological intuitions.
Introduction: Reading Shelley on the Bicentenary of his Death – Will Bowers and Mathelinda Nabugodi
Radical Elegy: Adonais, Am/Trak – Anahid Nersessian
“Dolce Stil Novo”: Epipsychidion – Valentina Varinelli
Old Anew: Hellas – Mathelinda Nabugodi
More of Talk: “Julian and Maddalo” – Will Bowers
“Complicated Windings”: “Mont Blanc” – Andrew Hodgson
“Passions Read”: “Ozymandias” – Erica McAlpine
Unbinding Forgiveness: Prometheus Unbound – Alexander Freer
Deep Time: Queen Mab – Andrew Burkett
Autobiography’s Forms: “The Triumph of Life” – Julia Tejblum
Fancy’s Flight: “The Witch of Atlas” – Tom Phillips