BARS Digital Events 2022-23 Season

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Get your free tickets for the next season of BARS Digital Events! Please book for each individual event you’d like to attend via Eventbrite – click on the links below to go to the booking pages.

Twitter: @BARS_DigiEvents


Reconfiguring the Sublime: Romanticism’s EcoGothic Waters

Thursday 3rd November 2022 – 5pm to 6:30pm UK Time

From Lord Byron’s ‘Thunderstorm on the Alps’ to Shelley’s Prometheus Unbound, Romantic writers have often extolled the beauty of mountains – their crucial role in an experience of the sublime. But how do rivers, oceans, and other bodies of water engender the sublime? How does the inherent fluidity of water inform ecocritical perspectives? This roundtable proposes that the emergence of an aquatic sublime, which destabilises narrative, social, and metaphysical expectations, can be traced back to the Romantic Gothic. Exploring the elusive, ambivalent Gothic nature of bodies of water, we theorise the emergence and legacies of a water-bound approach to the sublime, following in on Hester Blum’s theorisation of the oceanic as distinct from ‘landlocked perspectives’.

Speakers: Madeline Potter (Edge Hill University), Giulia Champion (University of Warwick/Edinburgh Napier University), Roslyn Irving (University of Liverpool and XJTLU), Dorka Tamás (University of Leeds/ University of Exeter) and Alannah Hernandez (University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus).

Re-Awakening the Harp of the North: New Approaches to Walter Scott

Thursday 8th December 2022 – 5pm to 6:30pm UK Time

This roundtable is comprised of scholars working within the Walter Scott Research Centre, University of Aberdeen. Following on from the Scott 250 celebrations and the award of a major AHRC grant to edit Scott’s poetry and engage new audiences, our proposed event aims to provide an insight into ongoing scholarship and new developments in Scott studies. This session will offer a brief insight into the work of the WSRC and the ways in which its editorial work enables new ways of thinking about Scott, the networks in which he operated, and his relationship to Romanticism.

Our speakers will be Alison Lumsden (University of Aberdeen), Nadia Faconti-Christodoulou (University of Aberdeen), Anna Fancett (University of Aberdeen), Kate Ferrier (University of Aberdeen) and Natalie Tal Harries (University of Aberdeen).

Digital Burns Night III

Thursday 2nd February 2023 – 5pm to 6:30pm UK Time

Third time’s a charm! BARS Digital Burns Night will return for a night of poetry, song, and whisky: celebrating the life, work, and legacy of Robert Burns; exploring recent work in and inspired by Scottish Romanticism; and enjoying reading poetry together. As in previous years, the evening will follow the structure of a traditional Burns Night celebration, with the Immortal Memory celebrating the life and work of Burns, followed by the Toast to the Lassies, and the Reply to the Laddies. The rest of the evening will be opened out to the audience who are invited to raise a toast to Burns and our speakers, and to treat us with poetry readings themselves.

The speakers for this event are Dr Zayneb Allak (Edge Hill University), Dr Paul Malgrati (author of Poèmes Écossais), Dr Andrew McInnes (Edge Hill University), and Professor Kirsteen McCue (University of Glasgow). 

Romantic Portraits and their Afterlives: Media Arts in Dialogue

Thursday 9th March 2023 – 5pm to 6:30pm UK Time

The digital event builds on the research experience of four speakers who have been engaged in different yet complementary ways with exploring issues of portraiture, cultural capital and memorialisation in artistic ecologies. Following a then/now heuristic approach, each panellist will discuss from an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary perspective the portrait of a representative figure of Romanticism and map its multi-layered afterlives for different purposes across time. What is lost and what is gained in these transartistic, transcultural and transhistoric traffics? Is an author portrait a biographical, an autobiographical or an autobiografictive act? And what can transmediations and transculturation contribute to our knowledge of Romantic politics as well as their later appropriation and resignification? The topics to be discussed in this event include: the portrait and/in the public sphere; transhistorical constructions of authorship; portraiture and street art; transmedia authors; portraits in State documents and objects. The case studies the speakers will engage with to explore the multi-sided domain of Romantic portraiture and its afterlives are Jane Austen, Frances Burney, Walter Scott and Toussaint Louverture.

The speakers for this event are Dr Valentina Aparicio (Queen Mary, University of London), Dr Rita J. Dashwood (University of Liverpool), Professor Francesca Saggini (University of Edinburgh) and Professor Anna Enrichetta Soccio (Università di Chieti).

The Pandemic and Romantic Pedagogy in Asia

Friday 21st April 2023 – 1pm to 2:30pm UK Time (note earlier start time to accommodate speakers’ time zones)

In this roundtable, we aim to gather scholars who have experienced teaching British Romanticism in different parts of the world, particularly in Asia. We will address how British Romanticism is defined, taught and learned in high schools and colleges in Asia, and the impact of the pandemic on it. We aim to discuss how the pandemic reshapes our understanding of Romanticism. We want to focus on, for example, how course syllabuses / choices of textbooks / choices of authors about British Romanticism are (re)constructed and (re)structured in individual institutes. Also, we plan to reflect on the use of digital resources in researching / teaching / learning British Romanticism in Asia, particularly during / after the pandemic. Some previous/current students will express how British Romanticism is perceived and received by Asian students in a transcultural context. In the end, we will raise such questions for the audience as how British Romantic writers reflect upon the issue of education and learning, how they help us think about the issues of gender / class / race during and (or) after the pandemic, and how one can make British Romanticism more relevant to the contemporary life of students who perceive it as a foreign concept.

The event will be chaired by Li-hsin Hsu (National Chengchi Univeristy, Taiwan); the speakers will be Li Ou  (Chinese University of Hong Kong), Ya-feng Wu (National Taiwan University), Chris Murray (Monash University, Australia), Alex Watson (Meiji University, Japan), Yu-hung Tien (University of Edinburgh, UK) and Carylon Wu (National Chengchi University, Taiwan).