BARS Executive: Elections 2023/24 and Recently Vacated Posts

By Francesca Killoran

Dear BARS Members,

Those of you who attended the BARS BGM last summer at the BARS/NASSR 2023 New Romanticisms conference at Edge Hill will recall our plans to address the composition of the BARS Executive in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. The BARS Executive is a friendly and collegial gathering of Romanticists from a wide range of career stages, which supports activities and initiatives in the field undertaken by the BARS Membership. Being part of the Executive gives you the opportunity to shape Romantic studies in the UK, and to meet our ambitions to provide a variety of financial support, events, training and resources for Romanticists both at home and overseas.

Our initial plan was to use the disruption as an opportunity to rationalise our protocols to improve the diversity and openness of the Executive while ensuring that important ‘institutional memory’ would be retained during periods of transition. This work, which involves some constitutional changes, has proven unfeasible in the short term, in the wake of other pressures such as the return to work post-pandemic and the ongoing industrial action taking place in UK universities. The Executive have agreed that this work should form the focus of a future iteration of …read more
