About The BARS Review and the BARS Bulletin & Review

About The BARS Review and the BARS Bulletin & Review

The BARS Review is the open-access review journal of the British Association for Romantic Studies, providing timely and comprehensive coverage of new monographs, essay collections, editions and other works dealing with the literature, history and culture of the Romantic period, broadly conceived.

It is hosted on the BARS website using Open Journal Systems. Its current editor is Dr Caroline Anjali Ritchie who can be contacted on caroline.ritchie@exeter.ox.ac.uk or via the address below:

Dr Caroline Anjali Ritchie
Rankin Fellow in English Literature 1760-1830
Exeter College
University of Oxford

The current version of The BARS Review (ISSN: 2049-7881) is the latest iteration of a journal that began as the BARS Bulletin & Review (ISSN: 0964-2447). The journal was founded at the same time as BARS itself, in 1989, and was initially edited by Stephen Copley, Kathryn Sutherland, and John Whale. Simon Bainbridge was the second general editor, initially with Emma Clery. Jacqueline Labbe took over in 1998, introducing a new colour format that continued until the move to the online BARS Review in 2014. The other general editors were, in chronological order, Alan Rawes, Susan Oliver, and David Higgins. The reviews editors were Peter Kitson, Simon Kövesi, David O’Shaughnessy, Susan Valladares, and, most recently, Mark Sandy, who went on to be the first editor of The BARS Review.

Back issues of The BARS Review from 2013 onwards are archived on its section of the website.  An archive of the BARS Bulletin & Review can be accessed below.